How to Prepare for a Card Sort

How to Prepare for a Card Sort


Choosing Content


When selecting the content to be included in the card sort you should make every effort to choose a representative sample of the entire website, or section of the website you are testing.  While you are selecting a wide range of items, you will want to ensure that you include clusters of items which are similar to one another so that participants can form groups rather than just having a stack of disparate items.  While you can have up to 100 cards, or items, between 20-45 items is ideal.




Choosing Participants


When recruiting participants to take the card sort, it is paramount that you select the end-users of your website for this task.  Although staff and decision-makers may want to participate, the point of the exercise is to determine user needs and get feedback from the "real people" who use your website.  You also want actual users of your website because they are going to have an understanding of the context of the items included in the sort, whereas others may not.  Take a look at the following list of website items and think about how you would categorize them:



Unless you are a user of NASA's website, you may have a hard time putting labels on these and sorting them into groups - this is why you want to get your website users to participate in the card sorting process.  Although you may choose to have more, anywhere from 8-12 Individual Participants or 5-7 Groups is ideal.  Don't forget, you can always choose to run additional card sorts and/or closed card sorts following your open ones.




Preparing Cards


If you are running an online card sort, you will be entering your list of items into the software application of your choosing in order to prepare for the card sort.  If you are conducting a live card sort you will want to:




Items you will need on-hand


Prior to a live card sort you will want to go through this checklist to make sure you have all of the necessary materials for the sort.




Before the Card Sort